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Home » Dr. Gerry van Klinken

Dr. Gerry van Klinken

Gerry van Klinken is senior researcher at the KITLV, and professor of Southeast Asian history at the University of Amsterdam. He takes part in the joint Dutch-Indonesian research project ‘From Clients to Citizens? Emerging Citizenship in Democratising Indonesia’. The project aims to understand the impact of Indonesia’s democratisation process on everyday state-citizen interaction.

He also coordinated the multi-disciplinary research project Elite Network Shifts. This investigated historical regime changes in Indonesia by means of computational network analysis of electronic newspaper archives.

In 2006-20012 he coordinated the joint Dutch-Indonesian research project In Search of Middle Indonesia, which investigated middle classes in provincial towns. In January 2013 he was appointed to a special chair in the Social and Economic History of Southeast Asia in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Amsterdam.

His latest sole-authored book is The Making of Middle Indonesia: Middle Classes in Kupang Town, 1930s-1980s. Leiden: Brill. 2014.


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