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Home » Innovative, interdisciplinary methodologies for humanitarian research on resilient societies

Innovative, interdisciplinary methodologies for humanitarian research on resilient societies

Masterclass Wednesday, May 17th

Rationale: the master class will be conducted by three experts who in the morning session will each give short outlines of their innovative methodological work in the research field of humanitarian action and disaster management; and the necessity of methodological innovation against the background of the many challenges humanitarian action and disaster management face in the 21st century. Each of the presenters will give hand-outs to the participants with key issues from their methodological approaches for the benefit of the afternoon session.

In the afternoon the present participants will be asked to shortly characterize their own research (including methodological approach) and estimate the applied relevance of the three methodological perspectives developed earlier. Interactive discussion should in the end lead to the strengthening of local research capacity through international dialogue, the so-called process of glocalisation.

Pat Gibbons (UCD): conceptualizing key issues in vulnerability and resilience research
Joost Herman (RUG): Humanitarian analysis and intervention designs
Teuku Faisal Fathani (UGM): monitoring and early warning methodologies for natural disaster management and disaster risk reduction

UGM young researchers and their topics (Young researchers, Ph.D. students and selected master students in the disaster management field)

Representation of UGM/POHA (Fisipol, Kedoktoran, Hukum)

University of Groningen and NOHA representatives